joi, august 30, 2007
miercuri, august 29, 2007
Jay Leno and Video he found on Youtube
Publicat de Paul Maior la 5:15 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Copii
luni, august 27, 2007
Doru Octavian Dumitru - La mare
Publicat de Paul Maior la 6:27 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Doru Octavian Dumitru
joi, august 23, 2007
marți, august 21, 2007
duminică, august 19, 2007
Super iluzii optice ...
via danyblog
Publicat de Paul Maior la 4:52 p.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: General
sâmbătă, august 18, 2007
vineri, august 17, 2007
Doru Octavian Dumitru - Pensionarul
Publicat de Paul Maior la 6:52 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Doru Octavian Dumitru
DVD Laser Flashlight Hack!! 245mw!!
Publicat de Paul Maior la 6:49 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: General
joi, august 16, 2007
Unde nu-i cap vai de picioare :))
Publicat de Paul Maior la 4:53 p.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Betivi
miercuri, august 15, 2007
Doru Octavian Dumitru
Publicat de Paul Maior la 7:31 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Doru Octavian Dumitru
marți, august 14, 2007
luni, august 13, 2007
Byz - Do You Wanna Fuck :)
[Chorus] :
Do you wanna fuck?
Yes I wanna do
I wanna put my dick in you
I wanna make you scream my name
It is a game, we both know
Do you wanna fuck?
Yes I wanna do
do some nasty things with you
I will make you moan
And it's more like porn
And you know I don't stop
[Vers 1] :
I can't control it , I'm goin' lose it , I lose it now
My dick is ready
I must juice it
Hold it steady, I am shakin' like a motha'fucker every time I'm with you
And I know that's our future , Coz' I can see it in you.. That you want me
You wanna get in my pants
You wanna rip my clothes of and touch my body with your hands
Our plans for fields, here's a chance for real,
give me a sign let me know dirty girl how you feel
Such a feel to the fullest, shootin' sperms in bullets
I wanna grab your jeans now and pull it
Down on the ground n' see that sexy ass
Those panties girl I know that our sex will last(a long time)
Be around, for a couple hours
On the table, in the bed, on the floor, in the showers
Watch the water round down your backside(ssss)
Spank that ass, put it in, let's go for a hell of a ride
And then she ask me
[Vers 2] :
We have kissin' , tongue kissin'
Nothings missin'
I touch your pussy
You are moaning n' I wishin'
That I rip your panties off on the bed, in the room
That I'm acting real though and feel my head with your perfume
(Boom Flav) Girl tell me how, Human is to make me feel so horny and hot now
Allow me to satisfy you and your fantasy
Is it anything that you want nice if you Imagine me
What you want ? How you want it ? What to like?
I would take you to heaven in our bed room fight
Is it a first class flight, we taking off to night
And we ain't landing until we see that sunshine light
Is aight if you want me to slow me down (What the fuck? )
But I wanna be that pussy up and down all around
Make them sounds
That will disturb my neighboors
But fuck that shit they'll know Byz the pussy Xavier
And then she ask me
I know that you want it girl
I know that you like it girl
I know that you need it girl
I know you love it girl
Publicat de Paul Maior la 6:28 p.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Muzica
duminică, august 12, 2007
Bataie intre animale ! Amazing !
NEWS: We're going back to Africa with the National Geographic Channel to work on a special that will air later this year and will give the behind-the-scenes story on how we got this amazing footage.
A battle between a pride of lions, a herd of buffalo, and 2 crocodiles at a watering hole in South Africa's Kruger National Park while on safari.
This video is copyrighted and cannot be used without the express permission of Jason Schlosberg or David Budzinski.
Publicat de Paul Maior la 6:09 p.m. 0 comentarii
sâmbătă, august 11, 2007
Statusuri funny haioase noi pentru messenger
Cand stapanul nu-i acasa, sar pe geam si intru-n casa.
- Enervez in rate lunare
- Le stiu pe toate ....da-s maritate
eu imi f*t viatza. .viatza ma f*te pe mine..suntem un cuplu ne simtzim bine
Mama prostilor e mereu gravida
Nu-ti ridica femeia la cer ca te va insela cu primu inger
-Prietenii falsi sa imi dea un Buzz...astazi fac prezenta..
n`am status acum ... da am avatar
Ce statusuri aveti fratilor, v-ati facut cu totii filozofi!
Last one to die please turn out the lights
Daca pozele ar vorbi...... ce crezi ca ar spune avatarul meu
Aici poate fii www.statusuri.blogspot.comreclama ta !!!
NU FURATI !!! Parlamentarii nu suporta concurenta
Azi se implinesc 12 ani de cand mi-am dat primii urmasi cu capul de cada. Multe generatii au sfarsit la fel.
Nu beau, nu fumez, nu ma droghez.. un singur defect am - mint!
Redecorez baia!! De vanzare chiuveta, boiler, scaun wc. O transform in sala de forta sau camara. Ma mai gandesc.
si ciocolata invelea staniolul in marmota...sau...ciocolata invelea marmota in staniol...sau...staniolul invelea marmota in ciocolata...sau...staniolul invelea ciocolata in marmota...sau...marmota invelea staniolul in ciocolata...sau...marmota..hai lasa
Cititi mesaju` important: foaieverdesolzidepesteuiteprostucumciteste
Prietenul meu imaginar crede ca ai probleme
vand zi de luni noua nouta la cutie. Accept schimb cu sambata seara chiar si la mana a doua
Stiu ca sunt blonda dar azi m-am vopsit P.S sunt la mare ,vin dupa ce mi-o tr%g....
Viitoru suna bine , pacat ca nu raspunde nimeni
pap un mar, daca vedeti "idle" prea mult chemati salvarea, inseamna ca mi-a ramas maru in gat de la cat m-ati injurat.
"My name is Bond... Vaga Bond"
Invisible to Everyone
Save a tree eat a beaver
"Ne pare rau dar nu ai acces la acest utilizator de messenger"
Ma cheama Gabi, dar prietenii imi spun BA!
Oficial imi merge bine , neoficial e jale
astept sa-mi moara p#&@, sa ma dedic in totalitate bauturii...
join the dark side we have cookies
- cine imi citeste statusul ii un BOU -
doar nu mai am monitor
psihologul mi-a spus ca sunt nebun, vocile din cap insa imi spun ca nu e adevarat
viata e un joc de cacat ... dar macar are grafica buna
daca intr-o zi femeia pe care o iubesti iti e infidela si-ti trece prin cap sa te arunci de pe balcon, adu-ti aminte ca ai coarne, boule, nu aripi !
virusu' pacii o dat peste compu meu si mi-o sters toate manelele
Meci. E dinamo, deci ma puteti deranja.
Poimaine se implinesc 2 zile de cand nu mai fumez
Astazi eram in biserica si cand ma uit la cucoana de langa mine ..isi aprindea tigara..Doamne sa scap berea din mana nu alta
Not Under Your Desk
plecat cu 10 passaturi , sunt sofer de tir
Singurul mod de a va face calculatoarele sa mearga mai repede este sa le aruncati pe fereastra.
1f u C4n r34D 7h1s u r34lly n33d 7o G37 l41d
Nu beau, nu fumez, nu ma droghez, nu-mi insel prietena, dorm de la 22 la 6, sunt foarte cuminte. Dar si cand ies din puscarie...
Bate si ti se va deschide... proces penal
evita mahmureala/ ramai beat
vino mama sa ma vezi, muncitor la spatii verzi, c-am furat si eu ceva, si m-a prins politia
bag p|_|!a in ea de viata;are careva un prezervativ?
Hopefully this message will distract you long enough for me to steal all your money. Thank
Nu fumati in pat. Ca nici noi nu facem sex in scrumiera.
.Nope, no wise status today
shit happens... .every fucking day....and you know what? somedays, twice a day!
-save energy, sleep in school
Publicat de Paul Maior la 4:37 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Statusuri pentru messenger
vineri, august 10, 2007
Statusuri plecat dnd
ocupat... daca e ceva buzz,buzz si inca un buzz ca oricum am boxele inchise.
-revin in 2 minute... daca nu citeste din nou ascest mesaj
al, acesta este calculatorul lui [numele tau] ... ea este plecata, dar sunt deschis la sugestii.
-evident nu vreau sa vorbesc cu tine acuma, lasa un mesaj si o sa am grija sa-l ignor
-nu sunt aici pt ca astept ca tu sa fii offline
"plecat. daca nu sunt la paine, cauta-ma la oua"
Go away, nobody lives here, nevermind what you want, i am not here, so just stay away.
fara buzz sau alte forme de salut. socializam cu alta ocazie
oferta toamna-iarna: la fiecare buzz dat primiti un ignore gratis!
Out of my mind. Back in five
ignore me like i ignore U
Ma duc pana la Market! Sa va iau si voua ceva bun?
daca nu vin in juma' de ora.. mai asteptati.
Ma spal la creier!!! DND!
nu va deranjati sa ma deranjati
bag in mine (pt. idioti, mananc)
ultimul care m-a deranjat, e inca dat disparut
Go away! Ask Mr. Google...
DND , ma joc leapsa cu o tipa pe sub plapama
Plecat la un prieten (pt.Florin ,dar numai pt. el,vezi ca sint la Dan)
Nu da buzz ca la mine a picat netu'
Oh shit, not you again!
Busy, am diaree!
alerg un sobolan prin bucatarie revin... nu e cine stie ce
n-am, pleaca!
zambetul pervers de pe fata mea sterge zambetul tampit de pe fata ta...
Hai Pa!
sunt la masa.... mananc seminte
DND fac matreatza
ard niste cd`uri... dak deranjezi te ard si pe tine
Ma joc un joc care imi ocupa tot monitorul asa ca nu va pot raspunde !
revin peste 2 ore. acum intreaba-te de cand am statusul asta
.Don't interrupt me when i'm talking to myself!
Casa de copii nu'i acasa ... e plecata ... si eu la fel
Am fugit de acasa cu banii de pâine!
Fac baie... a mai trecut un an
Uneori iti vine sa maninci pe cineva nu doar din placerea de a-l devora, cat din imensa placere de a-l vomita=>DND
acum am treaba... mai tarziu sunt tot ocupata, dupa...ies in oras, cand ma intorc n-am timp..
plecat, DND, doar cei din lista de ignore ma pot deranja.....
dak nu raspund inseamna ori k nu sunt la calc, ori k nu vreau sa vb cu tine...dar sigur sunt la calc
pierdut pe undeva prin frigider…, al meu…sau al vecinilor
mananc.. nu vorbesc cu gura plina
dorm" treziti-ma, ca sa vedeti ca dorm.
Dorm in somn...
Dus.. Peste 7 mari, 7 tari, 7 ape, 7 continente, 7 munti, 7 dealuri, 7 campii, 7 movile, 7 crevase, 7 lacuri, 7 izvoare, 7 pajisti, 7 orase, 7 cartiere, 7 blocuri.. unde nici buzz-urile nu ajung
Publicat de Paul Maior la 4:44 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Statusuri pentru messenger
Statusuri misto(geniale) II - MAXIME
A happy family is a medicated one
Nu poti schimba trecutul, dar iti poti nenoroci un prezent
linistit ingrijorandu-te despre viitor.
Invata si din greselile altora, nu vei avea timp sa le faci tu pe toate.
Cel ce participa la jocuri de noroc se jefuieste singur.
Luna de miere este un concediu
pe care ni-l luam inainte de a lucra pentru un nou sef. !!!!!
In timp de pace, copiii isi ingroapa
In razboi, parintii isi ingroapa copiii.
Pesimistul zice: “Nu se poate!” Optimistul spune:
“Ba se poate!” Cel harnic zice: “Am facut!”
Este adevarat ca “banii vorbesc”; cel mai adesea ei ne spun: “La revedere!”
Adu-ti aminte ce greu iti este sa te schimbi pe tine insuti si vei intelege atunci
cate sanse ai cand incerci sa-i schimbi pe ceilalti.
Aproximativ 95% din sfaturile pe care le primesc nu au nici o valoare,
dar se merita sa le aud pentru acel 5 la suta care merita toata atentia.
Exista doua cai sigure spre
sa asculti de toata lumea si sa nu asculti de nimeni.
O sperietura buna realizeaza mai mult decat 100 de sfaturi.
Sfaturile sunt ca ciupercile, cresc peste tot, dar cele rele iti pot fi fatale.
Daca toata lumea este de acord cu tine, probabil ca esti foarte inteligent.
Sau s-ar putea sa fi … seful.
Eram trist ca n-am pantofi, dar am intalnit pe unul care n-avea picioare.
Experienta este cel mai prost
Ea ne da intai examenul si numai dupa aceea lectiile.
Copiii au mai multa nevoie de un model de urmat decat de critici. (pentru emo)
Un copil este un inger ale carui aripi
se micsoreaza pe masura ce ii cresc picioarele.
Un critic este un schiop care-i invata pe altii cum sa alerge.
Diplomatia este arta de a spune: “Cutu, cutu …”,
pana ce apuci sa pui mana pe o piatra.
Faima existentei umane nu consta în a trai, ci în a sti pentru ce traiesti
Exista 2 cuvinte care te ajuta sa deschizi multe usi: trage si impinge
Cand o femeie nu vorbeste sa n-o deranjezi pt nimic in lume
Ne nastem goi, uzi si flaminzi. De abia dupa aceea lucrurile se inrautatesc...
Cine ride la urma, gindeste mai incet...
Cine-i harnic si munceste are tot ce vrea..... cine-i smecher si chiuleste are tot asa...
Fie painea cat de rea, tot mai bun e cozonacul...
Decat sarac si bolnav, mai bine bogat si sanatos...
Care sunt cele 70 de chestii pe care trebuie sa le stie o femeie? Pozitia 69 si sa faca mancare...
Cine sapa groapa altuia se numeste gropar...
Cine se scoala de dimineata doarme mai putin...
Cine se scoala de dimineata, ii vede pe ceilalti dormind...
Daca ai carte, o duci la anticariat...
Mai bine burtos de la bere decat cocosat de la munca...
Cel ce sforaie intotdeauna adoarme primu...
Daca totul a iesit bine, inseamna ca ai gresit undeva...
Decat intelectual, mai bine un amarat de miliardar...
Cine fura azi un ou , maine face omleta...
Cum iti asterni, cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau...
Cand doi se cearta, al treilea... e martor...
Nu face azi ce poti lasa pe maine...
De urata nu-i frumoasa... da'i desteapta, proasta dracu'...
Cine-i harnic si munceste ori îi prost ori nu gândeste.. scoala multa nu se cere... sa fii prost, sa ai putere...
Buturuga mica... e mai usoara...
Spre deosebire de frumusete, prostia este vesnica...
Daca ai... ai. Daca n-ai... n-ai. Dar e mai bine sa ai !!!
Publicat de Paul Maior la 4:42 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Statusuri pentru messenger
Statusuri de dragoste
Statusuri de DRAGOSTE:
Love is not blind, it's retarded!
-dragostea=batati de inima pentru dureri de cap
Cand am pornit la drum, am intalnit o proasta/Am incercat sa fug,mi-a devenit nevasta
nu conteaza cat ma iubesti... atata timp cat te prefaci...
Dar unde dragoste nu e, facem.
Sexul e ca si Cupidon: nu-i destul sa ai arc si sageti, mai tre' sa ai si tinta !
definitia dragostei= placere momentana, rezultatul dezastros
dnd, dekt dak vrei sa-mi spui k ma iubesti
sexul este ereditar.. daca parintii tai nu au facut nici tu nu vei face
mama lor de muste, numa' ele ma iubeste
ea e fata cultivata si si-o pune numai cand e beata
Don't love & cry, fuck and smile !
nimeni nu ti se pare perfect pana nu te indragostesti
Nu doresc sa reprezint totul pentru oricine, ci as dori sa insemn ceva pentru cineva anume.
O femeie are nevoie de doua luni sa-si cunoasca sotul, iar un barbat de doua vieti sa-si cunoasca femeia.
Nu conteaza lungimea baghetei, ci magia din ea...
e o nebunie sa urasti toti trandafirii doar pt ca te'a intzepat un spin
Nu te speria!Sunt la spital! Mi-au gasit ceva la inimaFii fara grija,operatzia nu a reusit.Nu te-au putut scoate din inima mea caci acolo vei ramane mereu!
Dragostea se naste din priviri, creste pe buze si moare in lacrimi!
Acela care nu a iubit niciodata, inseamna ca nu a trait niciodata.
Unii oameni cred gresit ca opusul dragostei este ura, cand de fapt este indiferenta.
Publicat de Paul Maior la 4:41 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Statusuri pentru messenger
Statusuri cool narcisiste pentru mess
I wanted to kill the sexiest person alive, but suicide's a crime
NU SUNT MISOGIN!!! Sunt sigur ca femeile sunt egale.....intre ele.
canD eram mic credeAm ca faima si banii ma foR face fericit ..akum ca am crescut .. am reAlizat ca asa este;)
fetele imi bat in geam / nu aud am termopan
numar prostii de pe mess , daca te-am sarit da buzz
mai bine taci si doar pari prost, decat sa vorbesti si sa inlaturi orice indoiala
invisible... only loosers can see me
Acest spatiu poate fi inchiriat cu o suma minima de 99 usd /luna
If you ever dream of beating me, you'd better wake up and apologise
Ia zi fa, iti iau o cola?
You say I'm a asshole like it's a bad thing
Prea Bun Ca Sa Fiu Light
Schimb sotie gospodina pe sotie curva, o zi da una ba.
Plimb nasoale prin oras, scot in cluburi, la ba
irame, etc. Plata cu ora.
Cine nu ma inghite sa ma suga....
ma dau cu prosopul prin ........Yo "pot" tu "putzi"
Daca femeia ar fii buna la ceva, si Dumnezeu ar avea una.
Daca barbatu' ar fi bun de ceva, Femeia nu l-ar insela...
fuck me i`m famouse !
Publicat de Paul Maior la 4:38 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Statusuri pentru messenger
Statusuri de tristete-suparare-suferinta
cand esti trist si deprimat... adu-ti aminte ca odata ai fost cel mai puternic si mai rapid spermatozoid
A iubi inseamna a suferi si cum multi fug de suferinta putini stiu sa iubeasca!
Nu`mi dati sfaturi, stiu sa gresesc si singur
vorbiti cu mine pana nu-mi sparge unu parola iar
Voi radeti toti de mine ca sunt diferit, iar eu rad de voi ca sunteti toti la fel
It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.
cand femeia iubeste, iarta orice,chiar si crimele;cand nu mai iubeste nu iarta nimic,nici chiar virtutiile
nu vreau sa te pierd si nu ma satur sa te`ador \:d/
Toate neputintele se reduc la una: aceea de a iubi, aceea de a evada din propria tristete.
viatza e asa de azi esti aici,maine iarasi..
Publicat de Paul Maior la 4:36 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Statusuri pentru messenger
miercuri, august 08, 2007
Ketchup In A Bottle Trick !!
Entertain at your next party with this trick. You just need a plastic bottle with water inside and a small packet of ketchup or mustard. It is Simple and Impressive
Publicat de Paul Maior la 4:03 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: General
miercuri, august 01, 2007
Florin Salam - Eu Sunt Bomba Nucleara
Tag-uri: manele gratis, manele misto, manele super, manele noi, manele august 2007, mp3, florin salam, eu sunt bomba nucleara.
Publicat de Paul Maior la 5:31 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Muzica
Nicolae Guta & Fero - Tu ma vei pierde
Tag-uri: manele gratis, manele misto, manele super, manele noi, manele august 2007, mp3, guta, nicolae guta & fero, fero, tu ma vei pierde.
Publicat de Paul Maior la 5:30 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Muzica
Nicolae Guta - Baterie, baterie foc
Tag-uri: manele noi, manele gratis, manele 2007, mp3-uri, mp3, muzica, nicolae guta, guta, baterie, baterie foc.
Publicat de Paul Maior la 5:28 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Muzica
Top 10 Incredible Recordings
Before I start on the list, I feel that I should advise that a couple of the items here are quite horrific and I would recommend that those who are weak of heart or who have a nervous disposition avoid them. The items I am referring to are marked in the text. The items are not in any particular order as it is very hard to rate the historical importance versus the just plain weird value.
NOTE: I have not embedded these audio files because if I do the page will try to preload 40 megs or so of mp3s. If you click the “download the MP3″ link, it should (for most modern browsers) open in your browser and stream.
1. Alessandro Moreschi (the only recorded true castrato) [Wikipedia]
The Castrati were men who were forcibly castrated at an early age in order to ensure that they would not experience the hormonal changes of puberty that lead to the lowering of the male voice. This meant that as adult men they sang like a modern soprano (they retained their boy soprano voices). After the Catholic Church ensured that all nations banned the practise, Pope Leo XIII took the remaining Castrati into the care of the Sistine Chapel Choir to guarantee them a quiet life (at the time they had become the subject of ridicule). Moreschi is the only castrato to be recorded solo. In this recording he is over 50 years old and had lost much of the quality of his voice - nevertheless the resulting recording is incredibly eerie.
Play / Download the mp3 (1.5mb)
2. Mado Robin - highest recorded sung note [Wikipedia]
This amazing French singer has the highest recorded note. She was able to hit the D4 above middle C. You must listen to the whole song - the last note is unbelievable! Put your crystal in a safe place!
Play / Download the mp3 (2.5mb)
3. Florence Foster Jenkins - worst singer [Wikipedia]
Believe it or not, Florence managed, despite being famously awful, to sell out an entire concert at Carnegie Hall. She had many admirers (among them Enrico Caruso). This has to be heard to be believed. As a particular point of interest, after she recorded this song, she told the sound engineer that no second try was needed as it was perfect. See for yourself. (She is singing Queen of the Night by Mozart, incidentally).
Play / Download the mp3 (3.4mb)
4. Pope Leo XIII (first recorded Pope - 1903) [Wikipedia]
Pope Leo XIII (patron of Moreschi) was the first Pope in history to be recorded. He was the 256th Pope and reigned from 1878 - 1903 and is probably most famous as the Pope who declared Anglican religious orders invalid (ie, he said Anglican priests and Bishops are laymen). He also strongly promoted the study of the Bible in the home and was known as the Pope of the People. In this recording he chants the Ave Maria (Hail Mary).
Play / Download the mp3 (712kb)
5. Lord Hawhaw (William Joyce) - executed for treason [Wikipedia]
William Joyce (or Lord Hawhaw has he more well known) was a fascist politician who worked for the Nazi’s during the war as a propagandist. His distinctly “posh” English accent is the cause of him receiving his mocking nickname. Joyce broadcast propaganda from radio stations in Berlin, Hamburg, and Luxembourg. Whilst it was not illegal to listen to his broadcasts in England, it was frowned upon. Nevertheless his recordings were very popular with the public as a source of amusement. He became a hated and ridiculed figure. He escaped after the war but an English soldier overheard him talking at a cafe and recognised his voice. He was arrested and executed for treason. This recording is a snippet of one of his propaganda broadcasts and it begins with his signature “Germany calling, Germany calling”.
Play / Download the mp3 (400kb)
6. Number Stations [Wikipedia]
Number Stations (shortwave radio stations of unknown origin) have been reported since World War I and continue to this day. No one knows what their reason is though many people suspect they are coded messages used for espionage (though no country has admitted this). The broadcasts are usually a female voice (though male voices have been heard) and they generally broadcast streams of numbers, words, or letters. They are sometimes apparently random, and other times organised. In the 90’s, amateur radio enthusiasts tracked the source of one number station to a US military base. The FCC refused to comment.
Play / Download the mp3 (1.6mb)
7. Florence Nightingale - invented modern nursing [Wikipedia]
Florence Nightingale was the first person to recognise that hygiene and food were important in the care of patients (up until her time, hospitals did not worry about hygienic conditions). She is considered to be the mother of modern nursing. She lived from 1820 - 1910. She is also sometimes referred to as the Lady of the Lamp. This recording is one of three she made in 1890 to people she had known during her work in the war effort.
Play / Download the mp3 (1mb)
8. [WARNING] Russian Exorcism [Wikipedia]
Exorcism is the ritual used by the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church to cast devils out of a possessed person. Throughout this Russian exorcism you can hear the voice of the priest reciting the prayers of the ritual while the afflicted (I can not tell if it is a male or female) person screams in a variety of voices. It is quite horrifying to listen to and I would not advise it for people who have a nervous disposition.
Play / Download the mp3 (2.5mb)
9. [WARNING] Jonestown - the last 30 minutes (November 18, 1978) [Wikipedia]
Jim Jones was the American founder of the People’s Temple group. The group became infamous after the November 18 mass suicide/murder in Guyana where the group had moved after rising tensions in the USA. Nine-hundred-and-nine people drank cyanide after Jim Jones ordered his men to kill visiting Congressman Leo Ryan and numerous members of his entourage. In this horrifying recording you hear the last 30-45 minutes of Jones directing his followers to poison their children and then themselves. At one point one of the female voices on the tape is heard to say “It’s okay - they aren’t crying because of pain - it is just because of the bitter taste). Some of the bodies found had died of forced cyanide injection or gunshots. Jones was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head. Discretion is advised in listening to this recording. If the recording piques your interest, I would recommend buying the excellent recent documentary on the tragedy called Jonestown - The Life & Death of Peoples Temple. The DVD was just released in April, 2007.
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10. First recording of human voices (1878 - Frank Lambert) [Wikipedia]
Frank Lambert was a French - American inventor. Lambert was born in Lyon, France and then moved to the United States in 1876 and became a citizen in 1893. Lambert is currently in the Guinness World Book of Records for the oldest playable recording on a machine called the Phonograph. Lambert was also famous for inventing the modern typewriter. This is the first recording of a human voice in history.
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11. The Sounds of Hell (Siberia) [Wikipedia]
Okay, I know this is a top ten list, but there has been so much demand from reddit to add the Sounds of Hell recording that I have added it. The background is that a group of Russian scientists were digging in Siberia when their drill started spinning wildly (usually indicative of hitting a pocket of air). They lowered microphones into the hole (apparently this is normal as the sounds can help to determine what the physiological makeup is of the area they have drilled to). When they listened to the resulting recording, it appeared to be sounds coming straight from Hell. This is, in fact, a hoax. It has gained great popularity on the internet and does have some basis in fact - but the bit about hell is, well, not true. Read the Wikipedia article for more information.
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Extra: After completing this list I found another resource that I thought you might all like to hear, it is the true recording of the exorcism performed on Anneliese Michel, the German girl upon whom the film The Exorcism of Emily Rose is based. Here is the mp3 - enjoy.
Source: www.listverse.comPublicat de Paul Maior la 4:10 a.m. 0 comentarii
Etichete: Muzica